The community correspondents become active Radio Victoria members that play a key role in their
communities. This is very important because there are very few opportunities for young people to
elevate their self-esteem and develop leadership qualities within their communities. Through their work
as correspondents they begin to have a close connection with the organizational structures of their
community which converts them into key social participants contributing to the development and growth
of their communities. They are also able to bring
the needs and problems to the attention of local
authorities allowing community members a space
to express themselves which is usually limited or
not allowed to the majority of communities,
especially rural communities which tend to be the most excluded and forgotten. And as members of Radio Victoria these youth are exposed to different issues on a local, national and international level.
Also, through the Community Correspondentʼs Network, we have helped 2 local closed circuit radios which now broadcast Radio Victoriaʼs news show. The correspondents from those communities can hear their own news stories on the air in their communities through their local closed circuit sound system.